Ah, now there’s a mystery. Does such a thing exist? Or perhaps a shirt is perfect only briefly, for a moment in time, when we feel special?
We all have a go-to shirt we wear when we need to look and feel our best. What makes that shirt special may be the fit, the colour, or the fabric. But it might be more emotional – the brand, who bought it for you, the occasion you first wore it, or a compliment from someone you barely knew. What is clear, though, is that is it more than simply the materials and the making of it.
From Michael shirts will be as fine as can be. Our cutter has spent a lifetime on Jermyn St. Our cottons are Italian’s finest (with one exceptional Egyptian). Our buttons mother-of-pearl.
The bits that we think really matter will be exactly the way we want them, for the changing times. Many shirts are still made to wear with a tie, and the collar flops without one. Our collar is designed to frame the face and hold its position, with or without a tie.
Generous, not mean cuffs. But not hanging down into your morning espresso. Sleeves that are long enough. Shirt tails that are short enough. We don’t want acres of cloth to pack into our trousers. We might wear jeans. Overall, a neat but not restrictive fit.
But we can’t help feeling the perfect shirt needs a little something more tailored for you. Inside our cuffs, known only to you – unless you choose to reveal them – there are unique designs, art or photography. (Personalised Cuffs). You can even use an image of your own taken from a phone. We think this adds something personal, something emotional, which make you feel special. It is that something that we get from Michael. We like to think that you will too.