Like most online retailers we use Cookies. We do so to get to know you better and improve your experience of our web site.If you have any concerns or questions please contact us – we would be delighted to hear from you.Please see our “Contact us” page for our contact details.

What is a Cookie?
There is nothing sinister about a cookie. It is a small file that tells your computer or phone when you visit our site and saves the detail of that visit. It gives us an idea of what might interest you and thus hopefully to tailor our shirts and services to you. It should also save you time when you next visit the site – for example avoiding logging-in again.

Browser Adjustment
Many browsers are set up to accept, control or even disable cookies by means of the settings. Disabling navigation or functional cookies may however affect the workings of the website and limit our ability to process the sale of our products to you.

Accepting Use of Cookies
Continuing to use our website without adjusting your browser will be taken as your consent to our use of Cookies.